Students, parents celebrate learning at Family Math Night #dyscalculia

Parents are getting more involved in their kids schooling than ever before. Leona Cox Community School hosted a family math event Wednesday night and over 200 students and parents came out to show their support. The Family Math Night is an annual event where students can play standard-based math games.

Kindergartners played with Bee-Bots, a robot for young children, and participated in a math bingo game, while fifth and sixth grade students used QR codes to use different applications online.

Parent activity assists teachers in student-learning.

There were standard-based math activities that were appropriate for all age levels. Young students played with robots while older students learned about QR codes and applications. Students were able to connect with their siblings and families over the content they had been learning in class. The school also offered free food and soft drinks.

Key Takeaways:

Math night has been set aside for children and adults alike to join and learn math skills.
Robots and bingo games give the atmosphere a fun feel rather than a dull learners’ course.
The children from the program take what they learn at math night home to their siblings.