Students trying new math strategy #dyscalculia

Did you know there is a new strategy for teaching math to kindergarten through second grade students? “Number Talk,” a five to fifteen minute presentation that kicks off every math class centers on different strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems without the need for paper or a pencil.

When students have come up with as many solving strategies as they can, teachers record all of the students’ strategies and how their classmates defended their answers. This teaching strategy is said to help kids compose and decompose numbers and provide them with explanations for how mathematics works.

“Number Talk” is a new way to assist in math learning.

In “Number Talk,” students stand before their classroom and receive a math problem. They must try to solve it using mental abilities first. Then, they must raise a thumb when they are ready to present their solving strategy. Teachers write down each approach, along with their rationale. The unique approach helps students to better explain how they solved the problem.

Key Takeaways:

Sheri Schneider has come up with some innovative strategies for teaching math.
The strategy is called Number Talk.
Students are encouraged to find as many solving strategies as possible.