Trials Of Dyscalculia

Lower numerical finger related skills are what dyscalculia is made from. There were studies done that tested pattern recognition, among other things, with subjects that were thought to have the condition. There was a marked difference between the average people and the people with dyscalculia and this was figured out in the trials that were done. In the studies, visual and tactile enumeration among folks with Dyscalculia folks was looked at and differences were noticed.

Ways To Test For Dyscalculia

Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is characterized by lower numerical and finger-related skills.

Key Takeaways:

Those with a developmental dyscalculia are more likely to have lower skills when it comes to numbers and use of hands.
Testing showed that those with developmental dyscalculia perform lower on counting skill tests.
Testing also showed less finger coordination for those with developmental dyscalculia.