Tackling learning disabilities #dysgraphia

Learning differences are always at the center of debate among concerned teachers. They want to appreciate each learning difference for the challenges that it offers. Teachers often get students to talk about their own learning differences and their perspectives too. That helps everyone come to understand the problems that students face these days.

As a private English tutor teaching the neighborhood children, I ensure that the last five to 10 minutes of my class are dedicated to general discussion, where everyone contributes interesting anecdotes and incidents of the day.
~ Ahmedabad Mirror

Early assessment is the key to future success.

Early assessment will be a decisive factor to consider when managing learning differences. Consider the case with Dysgraphia, which makes it hard for students to write. Teachers recognize that students need to develop a way to write more easily. There are teaching tactics that can be used to manage the learning difference overall.

Key Takeaways:

Not every child with a struggle has symptoms.
A teacher should make their students comfortable. Especially those with struggles.
Appreciate what the student has to offer when giving them exciting assignments.