‘Success Through Dyslexia’ #dyslexia

Success is something that most people strive for. However, it can be difficult to achieve. This is increasingly true for those that suffer with dyslexia. There are ways to succeed even with this learning obstacle. Almost 1 in 5 people are affected by dyslexia and their experience can differ greatly along the spectrum.

“Now, I feel dyslexia is my greatest asset. I think differently and can assimilate information very quickly”
~ Ben Way

Read how some entrepreneurs view dyslexia as a gift.

Dyslexia is actually one of the most common learning obstacles that students have to overcome and while it is a challenge for all of them, there are some individuals that see it as a gift. There have been large numbers of people who have dyslexia that are entrepreneurs. To learn more about how those with dyslexia can achieve success, read more in this article.

Key Takeaways:

It is estimated that 35% of entrepreneurs in the United States have Dyslexia.
Though it is an obstacle, many individuals with dyslexia choose to make their challenge their motivation and use their disorder as their greatest asset.
One of the key components to be successful with Dyslexia is to recognize the challenges early on and work on overcoming them.