Advocating For Your Child With Dyslexia

When your child has issues with reading on their grade level, it's understandable for parents to be concerned that their child has dyslexia.

As a challenging learning difference that prevents students from acquiring the ability to read, dyslexia can limit a child's progress, and even keep them back a grade. So it's understandable to worry!

While challenging, though, parents need to focus on their child’s education and the progress they can make. Some students with dyslexia have surprised many with their peak performance levels!
This video goes into the basics about dyslexia, and provides useful tips on how to keep your child's confidence in tact. The key is advocating for them -- making sure they're properly tested, getting extra support like tutoring, and making sure their teachers are aware. Together, you and your child can be on the way to success!
She started not even being confident enough to go on play dates any more, and to be without me in general.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is a challenging learning difference that prevents students from reading well.
Children with dyslexia can still make amazing progress and success.
Parents need to focus on their child’s education advocate for them in school as much as possible.