Animating Dyslexia
Doing a spelling test when you have dyslexia can be a very daunting and tough task. Dyslexia is when you cannot process the words that are on the page. Help and support for these kinds of people can make all the difference for them. With the condition of dyslexia, getting the speech sounds and realizing their relationship to the letter as well as the word is where the problem is. But, it can be dealt with in a good way.
It is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words.

Key Takeaways:

A person who struggles with reading and writing in everyday life can progress and thrive at what they do.
Spelling is one particular challenge that comes with being dyslexic.
A lot of issues with confusion with letters is one issue dyslexics have.

Inside Me - Animation on Dyslexia

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