Autism Asperger ADHD Pathological Demand Avoidance PDA Dyslexia Challenging Behaviour, SEMH

People First Education sponsors a series of workshops that train teachers to help students with learning challenges connected to the Autism Spectrum and to ADHD. Andrew Whitehouse, the leader of these workshops, is adamant that students are not helped by programs that seek to manage behavioral patterns associated with autism or ADHD, but rather students are empowered by classroom practices that work to avoid scenarios that activate undesirable behavior.
Andrew urges teachers to realize that by understanding impairments and triggers they can make a real difference for their students, helping to prevent situations that bring about challenging behaviors. Teachers who have taken Andrew’s workshops are glowing in their praise of his methods, his attitudes, and his sincere interest in the people he trains.
Author “Using the information that we gained from the social stories, we’ve seen a vast improvement in general behavior across not just the individual, but across the school.”

Key Takeaways:

Greater training for educating autistic students is available.
The behavior challenges can be worked with.
Teachers can take advantage of this training to better educate students.