Dyslexia Through the Eyes of Eliza

Like many children her age, fourteen-year-old Eliza has been diagnosed with Dyslexia. But despite the challenges it creates, Eliza shares her experiences in this wonderful video as a way to educate people concerning this little-understood disorder.

As the video describes, all of our brains “parts” (frontal, temporal, and occipital lobe) are connected by many tiny electrical pathways. Children without dyslexia naturally learn to connect the things they see in their minds with the things they hear and see on the pages of books. However, individuals with dyslexia have electrical pathways which are connected differently. That means they have difficulties linking sounds with what they see, and with the words written on a page.

The Brain Can Develop New Neural Pathways

Dyslexia may have a genetic component, as Eliza’s family has a history of the disorder. Despite the problems it causes in school, though, it's not all bad; many prominent members of society may have had dyslexia, including Albert Einstein and Walt Disney. In fact, researchers have seen a link between dyslexia, creativity, and problem solving. Certain exercises can also strengthen skills such as auditory discrimination, auditory memory, and visual memory.

When these skills are strengthened the language problems will diminish or fade away. It is also important to incorporate cross lateral exercises and gross motor skills as these stimulate neuroplasticity, which is how the brain forms new pathways.

All of these exercises can be found in the Learning Success System. Grab your copy today!

Dyslexia is not a disease, you can't catch it like a cold. It is something you are born with and stays with you for the rest of your life but people learn how to manage it.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexics have trouble associating words with things.
Dyslexia comes in many forms.
Exercises can strengthen or create new neural pathways and help.
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