Barbara Dianis, diagnosed with Dyslexia, understands the challenges of the learning disability.

She is now trying to unscramble the problem for others.

Diana promotes learning for children with dyslexia through her books and counseling.

Author, Entrepreneur Helps Dallas Children Overcome Dyslexia discusses the struggle of overcoming learning challenges. Motivational role models for young children can help future generations of kids who deal with such disabilities. It can help them feel inspired to work harder to overcome their challenges. Barbara Dianis is one of these important role models.

Barbara addresses questions about her career. Also, what it is like combating Dyslexia.
 Dianis hopes:

  • To encourage kids to learn how to cope with common disabilities such as ADD and Dyslexia.
  • To inspire kids to pursue their interests and goals

Dianis was able to overcome the challenges of dyslexia with several strategies.

Dianis' accomplishments include:

  • A Master’s Degree from Oral Roberts University. 

  • Degrees in education with a focus in special education Pre-K-12 and language learning disabilities.

  • A second master’s degree in the field of psychometrics—the study of testing and diagnosing cognitive abilities.

Dianis talked about her current work educating children with conditions like hers. She also talks about her former students who have gone on to earn master’s degrees.

Often, children diagnosed with dyslexia are told not to expect to go to college, or any kind of meaningful career. Barbara Dianis ignored these predictions. She graduated with a bachelor’s and two master’s degrees. She is an inspiration.

Barbara Dianis is now an author of three books.

  • Dianis’ books educate others on dyslexia.
  • She has counseled parents to better understand dyslexia.
  • Teaches parents to assist their children in implementing effective learning techniques during homework and study time.

Key Takeaways:

Barbara Dianis struggled with dyslexia as a child. She was told that she would never be able to go to college. Dianis proved everyone wrong.
She has written and published three books about educating children with this condition.
She tutors students, who have gone on to achieve dreams they never thought were possible.

Dianis promotes discipline and hard work to achieve success.

Some of Dianis' accomplishments:

  • Educational specialist at Trinity Christian Academy in Addison.
  • Later became the founder of Dianis Educational Systems, LLC—helps those with ADD, ADHD, and learning differences.

Dyslexia is a difficult condition. Individuals who suffer from dyslexia have trouble associating written symbols (such as words) with meanings. Often, children diagnosed with dyslexia are told not to expect to go to college, or any kind of meaningful career. Barbara Dianis ignored these predictions. She graduated with a bachelor’s and two master’s degrees. She is an inspiration.

When a child is struggling the worst thing that can happen is for their self-confidence to be destroyed. Self-confidence and grit are what gets us through the difficulties. Rather than allowing this to happen, or worse yet, causing it, parents should strive to use self-confidence building techniques and grit building techniques. So their child can rise above the difficulties and succeed in life.

Do You Need help with a Learning Difficulty?

Our simple online analysis will help you get to the core of the problem and find the right solution for you.

Understanding how to help someone with a learning difficulty starts with understanding which micro-skills are affected. When you learn which of the micro-skills is the problem, you will then be on your way to solving it.

You'll also learn how to:

  • Build confidence
  • Enhance Learning ability
  • Eliminate avoidance
  • Build grit

You can get this analysis for free by filling out this simple form. This will help you get to the bottom of a learning difficulty and provide you with a solution. If you are ready to put this problem behind you click the button below and fill out the form.

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