Different people will speak differently, and these natural differences in the sounds of language can be hard for potentially dyslexic children to understand. A new study has shown this difference in understanding variable sounds, raising a new area to focus on when understanding, and treating dyslexia. The study was conducted in adults, but the researchers believe that their findings apply to children as well. This suggests that children at risk for dyslexia might be less accurate in identifying the sounds of language.

A Challenge For The Dyslexic Brain

Natural speech has continuous acoustic variation, and the phonemes sound different depending on, for example, the word context or speaker identity.

Key Takeaways:

Babies with a family history of dyslexia might find it difficult to distinguish between sounds when learning languages
This raises an issue to work on when dealing with children at risk for developing dyslexia
A study showed that differences in speakers could affect understanding of the sounds of language

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