What do you know about the education system and students that have dyslexia? You might see schools trying to cater to those with dyslexia within classrooms of mixed students, those that do have dyslexia and those that do not. This can be difficult for both types of students. Now, a school is set to open called the Collier school for dyslexic students.

Special programs are set up to help those with dyslexia.

This school is for students who have dyslexia between the school grades of 3 to 8. It is set to open in August of 2017. The educational pathways academy is a private Christian school that will be able to give the attention and supports the needs of those with dyslexia within the classroom setting.

Key Takeaways:

Outside tutoring isn’t always enough to help students with dyslexia keep up with their schooling.
To address this need, former public school teacher Molly Arthur founded Educational Pathways Academy, a private Christian school for students who have dyslexia.
The school will support students and have the curriculum and pace dictated by the students, taking the burden off the students and helping them to succeed.

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