Defining Dyslexia

Dyslexia is an umbrella term, which means that it comes in many forms and can affect people in many different ways. It's not when you read words backwards. Struggling with meaning and spelling are very common to this condition. Many people out there have this condition and there are plenty of ways to deal with it. There is no cure for dyslexia, but there are many effective approaches to helping students. There are many ways to support kids with dyslexia.
People cannot outgrow Dyslexia and it is not a result of laziness.

Key Takeaways:

People can't outgrow dyslexia and it is not a result of laziness on the part of the person.
You do not see letters and words backwards when you have Dyslexia.
People with Dyslexia need to learn to ask for help and realize they are not alone.