How Does the Dyslexic Brain Work? - Movie Trailer

Caitlin Bailey’s video trailer sneaks a peak at a video that explores the problem of dyslexia. The video contains a flurry of visual effects, music, and information that teases the viewer about what the full video will contain. Diving into Dyslexia is the name of the video which Caitlin is responsible for creating, directing, and producing.
The video appears to address the problems associated with the condition of dyslexia and the challenges those problems create. By providing imagery of backwards and mixed-up letters, Caitlin appears to be creating a perspective piece, showing dyslexic’s view of the world. This video trailer does its job of drawing viewers to the full video.
Author “Diving Into Dyslexia”

Key Takeaways:

The trailer provides great visual images that show how much confusion can exist for those with dyslexia.
The trailer alludes to some important statistics around the presence of dyslexia in children and adults and how this condition manifests across age groups.
The trailer tells a compelling story about the wide-spread impact of dyslexia in society.