Dyslexia Does Not Define Who You Are

Many people don't realize just how common dyslexia really is -- in fact, 1 in 5 people have the disorder. Because of that, we forget that those with dyslexia are normal everyday people, just like our own family and friends. Although there are learning difficulties associated with dyslexia, the girl in this video shows that it sn't the one defining characteristic, and she can still pursue her dreams despite it.

There are many characteristics that make people who they are. For example, this video points out that a person with blonde hair is just a person with blonde hair -- it's one of many characteristics that define a person. Beyond that, people with dyslexia can go on to lead very successful lives. In fact, famous people with dyslexia include Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and John Chambers.

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I have been called stupid by some kids, but I don't care because I know who I am, and I'm a smart, kind and hardworking kid.

Key Takeaways:

1 in 5 people have dyslexia, some of the famous dyslexics are Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, John Chambers and many others.
Although there are learning difficulties associated with dyslexia, the girl in the video shows that there are good aspects of her life and she can still pursue her dreams despite having dyslexia.
Although there are learning difficulties associated with dyslexia, the girl in the video shows that there are good aspects of her life and she can still pursue her dreams despite having dyslexia.