What's It Like to be Dyslexic?

Is it possible for a non-dyslexic person to truly understand what people with dyslexia and dyscalculia feel like? This video seeks to showcase the uncomfortable feelings and confusion dyslexics often go through in tough situations. In the video, several people are handed scripts which, unbeknownst to them, have many words written to simulate what dyslexics see when they read. Unsurprisingly, the people are visibly embarrassed and confused when they're corrected.

When the truth is revealed, many express surprise, and a better understanding of how difficult it must be. The key point the video asserts, though, is "Understand and Accommodate" -- the need for an understanding that dyslexic people aren't "stupid," and that there are measures to help them. After all, as one man in the video states -- dyslexia is not a tragedy, but just one of our human imperfections.

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"Understand and accommodate."

Key Takeaways:

People were handed scripts that simulated dyslexia without knowing it.
People discussed their reactions, and that dyscalculia is also an affliction that affects people,
"Understand and Accommodate" -- Dyslexic people aren't "stupid," and there are measures to help them.
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