Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Nutrition Quick Tip #3 – Crowd Out The Bad With The Good

Replacing certain items in a child’s daily nutrition can allow for natural changes in your child when dealing with Dyslexia. The video addresses how these changes can be made and how you can change their diet without them feeling like certain items are being completely taken away. A list of better nutritional choices is also given to allow you a better guide of what to follow. Along with the list of items is a schedule of how these new items should be implemented and the older items removed from their diet.

No matter how many times you tell your child that these foods are not good for them, they still want to eat them. As a result mealtime can become a battle.

The video provides excellent tips on how to introduce the new items while slowly withdrawing the negative nutritional items from their diet. Links can also be found in the article to communities for support with this tip. The communities provide support and personal experiences of individuals who have tried this tip and others. Previous videos of tips and tricks can also be found on the page with the article.
As always it helps to involve your child with the process of picking of these new foods as well as the cooking and preparing of the food. Then she will have a vested interest in the food and be more likely to try it.
~ Douglas Curtiss

Key Takeaways:

When trying to improve diet, parents focus on the bad parts of a diet.
Instead, try adding in one new healthy food every four to five days.
Then just start to add one of these new foods to your child’s plate every few days.