Dyslexie is a font developed by Christian Boer. The font makes reading easier for people with dyslexia. The lettering in this font style is more spaced and rounded. This allows it to be read easier. The font is available online for free. You can also find books for children converted to Dyslexie font. 

It does actually make a big difference, you’ll be able to read without having to go back and now I can concentrate as much when I’m reading stuff.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexie font makes it easier for dyslexics to read. The typeface is spaced out and has rounded edges.
The font is made by Christian Boer and proven to be an effective tool for dyslexic readers.
There are books for children that use Dyslexie font.

Dyslexie Font (helps people with Dyslexia)

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