Dyslexia and the Franklin Speller, Independence for Struggling Readers

Mrs. Webber provides a detailed instructional video on how to use the Franklin Speller. The device possesses a multitude of functions that aid struggling readers with tools to work through difficult reading without having to give up on the task. With this device, a struggling reader can gain more independence.
Not only does the device help pronounce words that are unfamiliar to readers, but it can provide synonyms as well. The device also assists with critical skills, such as spelling and auditory comprehension of words. If properly trained on how to use the device, a student can accelerate their development in reading skills. In turn, this will help educators who must work with multiple struggling readers at once.
Author “If they can’t remember how to type a write a lower-case ‘d,’ they would type it in, they can hit the button, and it will actually show them how to write it.”

Key Takeaways:

Mrs. Webber shows viewers how to use the Franklin dictionary machine to help with spelling.
The machine can define the word, sound it out, or provide exercises to practice with the vocabulary.
The machine can also help children process words aurally.