House bill calls for dyslexia point person in school districts #dyslexia

Virginia School districts may soon have a point person to work with students with dyslexia. The new bill, known as HB2395, would require that every School District hire a dyslexia adviser. The consultant would not only be trained to identify the learning challenge, he or she would also be trained in how to teach students with it.

Legislation pending in the House of Delegates, and approved by House Appropriations Subcommittee on Elementary & Secondary Education Tuesday, would require every School Board to employ a dyslexia adviser.
~ Bob Brown

Thanks to new bill, Virginia Schools to welcome dyslexia advisers.

The bill was passed unanimously, and it was sponsored by Del. Benjamin L. Cline, R-Rockbridge. This new legislation comes on the heels of last year’s bill requiring the training of teachers in identifying and teaching students with dyslexia. 10 to 15% of the U.S. population has the learning difficulty known as dyslexia.

Key Takeaways:

All school districts have issues when teaching children with dyslexia.
A new bill has been passed that will help ensure that there is a specialist present as to teach specifically to struggling students.
Larger schools already have dyslexia specialists on staff, however, not all schools have the budgets to hire and train them.