How is dyslexia diagnosed?

This article focuses on the reasons and methods for assessing possible areas of difficulty associated with dyslexia. According to the author, assessment for dyslexia is important for several reasons. Determining the problem empowers teachers and supportive individuals to find solutions to address the student’s difficulties. Additionally, it can help parents make informed decisions for their child’s treatment. It can also be reassuring for students to understand why they are encountering the difficulties they experience.

A child who is struggling with reading should have help with that, whether or not that is known to be part of a dyslexic problem.

Diagnostic assessments are comprehensive, intended to diagnose the specific challenges that are hindering student success. Typically, they use standardized tests focusing on literacy, numeracy, language, memory, and processing skills. Additionally, problem-solving skills and verbal reasoning may also be tested. These point out the student’s strengths and weaknesses, but perhaps more importantly, they help identify strengths that may be used as a way to overcome the areas of struggle.
An assessment can also be important to provide reassurance, or to help decide between different options available. If someone has had difficulties for a while, and maybe even learned to hide them well, it can be hard to know what the main problem is.
~ Dyslexia Action

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia identification is an incredibly important aspect of treatment and success for students.
Diagnostic tools have evolved over recent years.
Diagnostic assessments are one tool used to identify students that may need support.