How Henry Winkler transformed private battle with dyslexia into comedy #dyslexia

Henry Winkler enjoyed fame as a star on Happy Days. He is now 71 years old and is still recognized by his fans. Winkler has since written quite a few children’s books. He began writing these books in 2003 and continued ever since that has helped him improve outlook for book sales along the way.

Henry Winkler went from learning struggle to success.

Winkler has had his own experienced with Dyslexia in the past that convinced him to speak to students and offer his own advice. Students with Dyslexia are faced with any number of pressing challenges. They need to get tested and seek educational supports to improve reading. It is possible to make big strides in the educational environment too.

Key Takeaways:

Henry Winkler was diagnosed with dyslexia late in life.
Henry Winkler was able to face and overcome the struggles that come with dyslexia as he learned his lines and learned how best to go about memorizing them.
Henry Winkler now writes children’s books based on his experiences have a child that learned differently.