Using "Spelling Patterns" to Overcome Dyslexia

Dyslexic students may have issues with reading and spelling, but they tend to be extremely intelligent and creative. That means, in addition to patience, creativity is vital from a parent or teacher's end to to help these students gain confidence in spelling and writing letters.
This video, below, features one mom's creative approach: teaching the right set of spelling patterns. The main goal is, essentially, allowing students to assimilate the shortest units of language by letting them read them, say them, and write them down. 
One of the most effective approaches for spelling patterns is to start with small words, typically one-syllable words that merge vowels and consants -- ant, for example. The leading letter (the one that sounds strongest) should usually be the one rehearsed first, while the others are usually spelled around the leading letter. This method will expand to larger words as student fully learns the 500 key spelling patterns.
The hope is that teachers can take notes and utilize this strategy to help students with Dyslexia catch up to their peers and make the best grades!
Your family can learn how to spell the 500 most frequently used words in Making Spelling Sense and learn to spell more advanced words in Making Spelling Sense II.

Key Takeaways:

Spelling patterns may prove to be useful for dyslexic students.
One mom has made it a point to teach the right set of 500 spelling patterns.
Teachers can take notes and utilize the spelling help strategy on display.