While it may seem daunting at first, it's entirely possible for parents to teach their own dyslexic children to read, as long as they have the proper guide. This brief video shows how to help a kindergarten-aged child with dyslexia how to read. 

After setting up the environment to be conducive to learning, the viewer is encouraged to help the child read by starting with the consonants. The pronunciation of consonants remains consistent, unlike the frequently changing pronunciation of vowels.

From there, parents can use further tips like these in the Dyslexia Improvements series to help their child learn.

There are easy ways to drastically improve your reading ability by identifying just one "micro-skill.”
Use our simple online analysis tool to help you find what areas need strengthened.

"Parents you really can teach your own child with dyslexia to read." - Michael Clark

Key Takeaways:

Parents can teach their own dyslexic child to read with proper guide.
Set up the right environment that is conducive for learning for a child with dyslexia.
In teaching your child to read, start with consonants since pronunciation of these remains consistent compared to vowels.

How To Teach Dyslexic Children to Read: Dyslexia Improvements

Mentioned in this post: 

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