I’m A Dyslexic Educator. I Teach Other Teachers How To Help Kids Like Me Learn #dyslexia

Who teaches our children with dyslexia? That seems easy enough. A teacher would teach a child who has dyslexia. Who teaches our teachers who teach those students who have dyslexia? The truth is there is a new type of educator bringing a new idea of teaching to the floor with speaking from experience.

For the first time, I was able to place my shoes on the right feet using that sticky tar as visual and kinesthetic cues that my teachers had taught me. I was independent.
~ James Gentry

Specialists are in demand throughout school systems.

This is to help teachers to teach kids that learn differently and the best part is this educator has been on the learning side with having dyslexia. The school was difficult for this educator until he found the right pair of learning with teachers that truly cared. Now, he is bringing to the forefront to teachers, parents, and students to focus on their abilities, not their challenges.

Key Takeaways:

Teachers are now being taught by educators on how to teach students with learning difficulties in the classroom.
This educator comes from a background of Dyslexia himself and now is using that to help others by helping teachers.
Through his life, he has now become a professor that will work with students and their parents to focus on abilities not challenges in education.