Interview with Peter Freney – Irlen Dyslexia Clinic Buderim

Peter Freney is well known as the diagnostician of an important clinic. He has worked to improve the ongoing care practices provided there. Peter began his work on his clinic over 24 years ago. Since then, the clinic has seen rapid growth in a number of ways. That attracted attention from the video host too.
Irlen Syndrome may also be known as visual dyslexia to some people. Both children and adults can be diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome at the clinic. Peter Freney is the diagnostician who provides that service to a select few. Patients are welcome to seek out treatment for that condition. Awareness may be the first step for them to take in full.
“If a person is having a lot of difficulties with learning then several things happen, normally, one is they start having feeling of low self esteem. They start feeling dumb and stupid, with that comes other things like anxiety attack.”

Key Takeaways:

Peter Freney has been a leader at his own clinic. He has worked for over 24 years at the clinic location. Peter has screened thousands of young children for the diagnosis. Get to know the man and the work he has accomplished in his lifetime.
The Irlen Clinic is just one of many in the country. That has been open and ready to help young people for some time now. Peter Freney also has served as President of their local organization. He has a lot of authority and is well respected by many of the other members.
Some kids may simply face more difficulties while reading in their lives. There are options available to them to address those concerns. Try on a new pair of Irlen glasses to make a difference almost immediately.