Most children and teens are being tricked by false articles posted on line. This is causing severe problems that all concerned parents should know about because of the fraudulent articles, kids are losing faith in the media and in their ability to determine what real news is and what fake news is.

“Point goes here” kids can’t distinguish between real and fake news.

To combat this threat, parents need to take action and help their children determine what is real and make sense of the torrent of information that exists in the media. Doing so helps your children learn what to trust and how far to trust them. As parents, it is your duty to help educate your children in media literacy.
Kids these days are big consumers of news. Unfortunately, many of them can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not. And you, dear parents, need to bridge that gap.
~The Washington Post

Key Takeaways:

Kids consume a ton of media and news.
It can be difficult for many kids to know the difference between biased and unbiased news.
Parents can help their children know what to look for in quality news.

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