Words of Encouragement for People With Dyslexia

There are so many people living with learning disabilities like dyslexia. Some days, it might feel hopeless for people who are struggling. Luckily, sometimes it just takes some encouragement to get back on track. In this video, Michael Clark of Dyslexia Improvements aims to inspire young people to not give up on themselves despite the challenges they face.

 As Clark discusses, reading and writing are skills can be improved through frequent practice. Reading and writing is not about being "smart enough," its about learning skills and strategies and practicing them. Even with challenges like being dyslexic, you shouldn't give up on your dreams.

Clark specifically speaks of a young girl living with dyslexia who went from D’s to B’s thanks to focus and dedication, and finally feels proud of herself. It might take a bit of work, but it is absolutely possible to excel with dyslexia. Don't be afraid to try!

There are easy ways to drastically improve your reading ability by identifying just one "micro-skill.”
Use our simple online analysis tool to help you find what areas need strengthened.

"It's time to breathe some life back into you, it's time to keep get those dreams coming alive again. It is better to try something and fail than to never to try because you're scared of failing. Don't be afraid to try!" - Michael Clark

Key Takeaways:

Reading and writing is not about being smart enough, its about learning skills and strategies and practicing them.
Even with challenges like being dyslexic, you shouldn't give up on your dreams.
It is better to fail than not try at all. Try your best, give your all in learning to read and write and you will eventually see the results.
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