Dyslexia is a hurdle that many people deal with. It’s estimated that 8.5 million students have dyslexia in America. Dyslexia can have a number of negative effects on students. They may withdrawal in their studies and have general problems in class. While most of these students may have to deal alone in their struggles there is now a group that can be their voice.

Founded in 1948, Learning Ally supports kindergarten to 12th grade, college and graduate students, veterans and lifelong learners – all of whom read and learn differently due to dyslexia, blindness or visual impairment, and other disabilities.

The Massachusetts Yes! branch is hosting an event on dyslexia.

The Massachusetts branch of YES! is holding an event to shed light on the many students with dyslexia. The event will be held at a university and will focus on improving students self confidence and communication abilities. Networking and making new friends will also be encouraged. Educating parents and schools about dyslexia will also be on the schedule of things talked about also.

Key Takeaways:

The Yes! Ambassadros are a new advocacy group for students with dyslexia. The group is composed of dyslexic students from Massachusetts.
Yes! Amassadros are passionate about educating and encouraging dyslexics and all who work with them.
The advocacy group is presenting at conferences sponsored by the large advocacy organization, Learning Ally.

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