Locals learn about dyslexia #dyslexia

More than 100 people gathered at the Tatiara Civic Centre to learn about dyslexia. The event was hosted by the Bordertown Lions Club. The purpose was to bring interested members of the community together to learn about how to deal with dyslexia. Dyslexia affects the person’s reading, spelling and written language skills.

More than 100 people filled the room to listen to Specific Learning Difficulties (SPELD) director Sandy Russo, discuss dyslexia and how we can help people within the Tatiara who struggle with the issue.
~ Hamish Ferguson

Events and town halls are the places to learn about dyslexia.

Dyslexia can be severe, moderate or mild. People can have a short-term memory. They can have trouble identifying words. One of the discussions was how to help children in the Tatiara cope with the difficulties that arise from dyslexia. The money raised by the Lions Club will be used on phonics books to start a collection in the Bordertown library.

Key Takeaways:

A crowd gathered at the Tatiara Civic Centre to discuss dyslexia.
100 people went to listen to Specific Learning Difficulties (SPELD) director Sandy Russo.
Dyslexia affects between 3-10 percent of the population.