Mark Ruffalo, a well-known actor who is most notably known for his part in the Marvel Avengers Universe at the hulk, speaks out honestly about why he has problems reading. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Mark Ruffalo had an in-depth discussion about his family after tweeting he was dyslexic.

“What is normal, really becomes the question”

In the interview with Vanity Fair, Mark talks about what normal really is. This was recently parallel in a movie where he played a father who had Bipolar. Mark says that every family has some issue they deal with and that we should continue to live and not give up on anything. He replaces the words “I should” with “I think” in his family life.
In a brief Twitter exchange, Mark Ruffalo, aka The Hulk / Bruce Banner from the Avengers shared that he was dyslexic after being asked about why he mentioned in an interview that he had difficulty reading.
~Fernette Eide

Key Takeaways:

Mark Ruffalo, the actor who plays The Hulk, suffers from dyslexia.
Ruffalo is an actor, a producer, an Oscar winner and a dad. A dad of three kids who also have dyslexia.
There is no normal when it comes to family, only your own normal. Everyone has struggles, you just have to accommodate to your own struggles.

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