Medication Linked to Improved Reading Skills in Children with Dyslexia #dyslexia

Children with Dyslexia find it difficult to read at grade level. New research has some suggestions as to why that tend to happen. Atomoxetine was the subject of recent research, which was once used to treat ADHD. Students with Dyslexia may benefit from taking the drug regularly. It was compared against the effects of taking a placebo.

Researchers say Atomoxetine drug may help children with dyslexia.

As predicted, research showed that students taking the drug improved their reading. The study period lasted 16 weeks and compared results across a number of factors. But there is new research that supports the use of these drugs on the whole. Parents should take note and be ready to put their children on medication that could improve their performance in the classroom too.

Key Takeaways:

Atomoxetine is a new dyslexia medication that is being researched.
Atomoxetine began as a medication to assist with ADHD symptoms.
Atomoxetine seemingly reduces both ADHD and dyslexia struggles.