From MTSU On the Record: The Case for Dyslexia Screening with Dr. Tim Odegard

Dyslexia screening needs to be available for children in all grades of elementary school, urges Dr. Tim Odegard. Odegard holds the Murfree Chair of Excellence in Dyslexic Studies at Middle Tennessee State University. Testing for dyslexia can focus on one important skill set, such as hearing rhymes in words, or breaking up compound words, and can be adjusted in difficulty appropriate to the grade.
Odegard explains that research shows that children with dyslexia emerge at different grade levels when new difficulties in reading become part of their studies. Children have their own special strengths and thus may get by in earlier grades. Making testing available at every level allows schools to identify and help learners along the way.
“Just because I didn’t show problems in kindergarten, first or second doesn’t mean that I can’t be dyslexic and show in your fifth grade classes.”

Key Takeaways:

Early detection of Dyslexia can help manage and overcome it.
There is a growing movement to screen students for Dyslexia at younger ages.
Screening can be simple and fun.