The video provides information for parents of children with dyslexia in Fairfax county public schools. It provides a basic introduction to dyslexia. It is a great video to watch if you live in the region. It provides instruction that will help ensure a child with dyslexia can obtain proper education. As well as help with special needs, such as various learning strategies.

Dyslexia exists on a continuum ranging from mild, moderate to severe and may co-exist with other developmental difficulties and disabilities.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is a language-based disorder. It impacts the student's ability to read and write. This originates from a core or basic phonological processing.
Dyslexic readers struggle with poor decoding of individual words, slow and inaccurate oral reading, and spelling difficulties.
Dyslexics have strengths and abilities such as reasoning, concept formation, comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, problem solving, and general knowledge.

Part 1 Dyslexia Fundamentals, Strategies, and Supports for Parents

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Do You Need help with a Learning Difficulty?

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