Presenting Dyslexia

Five to ten percent of Americans are dyslexic, or at least have symptoms of dyslexia. There are a lot of different symptoms and people can have them to varying degrees. Difficulty in reading, or writing, or spelling are signs that you have dyslexia. If you have a hard time with oral, or written instruction then you also might be experiencing dyslexia. If they are easily distracted, then you might also have dyslexia. Delayed speech is another sign.
Difficulty in learning to read, write, spell and work with numbers.

Key Takeaways:

A sign of dyslexia for preschool aged kids is when they cannot recognize when two words rhyme.
A grade school kid might forget how to spell a word right after learning it and that is a sign of dyslexia.
A sign of dyslexia for a high school student would be when they skip different words when reading out loud.