Race to success especially painful for students with dyslexia #dyslexia

Many students find that trying to find success is almost a race. This race seems to intensify when they are regarding students that have learning obstacles like dyslexia. The race for those students seems to be almost painful but not improbable. The students have a hard time testing in the same way that other students are in tests that are similar across the board.

Changing simple things, such as the font used for exam questions and the type of paper they are printed on, would put students with dyslexia on a fairer, more level playing field with their peers, according to a university professor.
~ Sarah Carabott

Students with learning disorders want a level playing field.

So what are the students asking for? Simple requests are being made to help them be on more of a level field with the other students. Different things like changing the font on the tests but not the actual tests or using different color paper for the exams themselves. A good portion of the time these items can make a world of difference.

Key Takeaways:

Standardized exams such as O and A levels are particularly difficult and painful for students with dyslexia.
A new book, D pebble in my shoe, explores the examination experience of students with dyslexia.
Simple changes such as the color of the paper, the font used, or allowing students with dyslexia to take the exam in a familiar, low-stress environment could help level the playing field for students with dyslexia.