From Rat Race to Snail’s Pace: Chua Weng Foo at Embrace Dyslexia Seminar in Singapore (Video)

Chua Weng Foo gives a talk at the Singapore Embrace Dyslexia Seminar. He has been a CEO/MD for international service and software companies. In this video, he shares his experiences as a manager living with Dyslexia. As well as what it has taught him about business. Taking the time to understand the needs of the individual can mean accelerating the productivity of the group.

It is more important to build the character of the child...his courage to find his passion than to just get all the A's - Chua Weng Foo

Key Takeaways:

The father shared his experiences in handling his dyslexic children. As well as how they have survived in a country where everything is a rat race. However, they have to go on a snail's pace because of the learning difficulties.
They, as parents, learned to be the "turtle shell" for their dyslexic son. They did this by creating a conducive environment for him to learn. A place where there is no fear of being ridiculed.
Celebrate little achievements of your dyslexic child. Enjoy and focus on the journey, rather than the destination.
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