Jorene Cook - Do Public Schools Make Dyslexics Feel Stupid?

Adrienne Cook leads a discussion on perspectives on dyslexia. Cook is a doctoral student who has 18 years of experience in the field of education and is the proud parent of two boys. She started out as an elementary school teacher, but progressed on to her work in addressing dyslexia.
Cook provides a comprehensive background and detailed context surrounding the study of dyslexia. The history provides audience members with the background information in how dyslexia is understood and how tools in identification and treatment have developed over time. Such context is important, because it better equips educators in their quest to work with students with dyslexia.
Author “We’re going to talk tonight about perspectives on dyslexia.”

Key Takeaways:

Many children with dyslexia are gifted in some way.
The public education system makes many dyslexic children feel stupid.
Public education needs to change to accommodate students with learning differences.