The SID project interviews dyslexics about their vocational journeys after they left school and entered the workforce. Many explained that they would seek employment that did not requires reading or writing skills, so they did not have to worry about the challenges associated with their dyslexia. Unfortunately, that limits their job choices.
As a consequence, many dyslexics are forced to take jobs that are low-paying and are of low-prestige, even though they may be highly intelligent. Additionally, many have difficulty attaining stable employment, because they may float from different jobs due to lack of interest of difficulties with the tasks required of them.
Author “It was looking for jobs where you didn’t have to read or write.”

Key Takeaways:

Many dyslexic people are unaware of their hidden talents.
Dyslexic students often feel that they are only capable of unskilled jobs.
Social exclusion can have a serious impact on dyslexic children.

Social Inclusion & Dyslexia

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