Missouri state legislators want to improve school conditions for those with dyslexia. A measure passed earlier this year called for creation of screening and support guidelines for dyslexic students, and a legislative task force was formed last month to implement the measure. At the moment, schools do not offer much, if any support, for dyslexic students.

Republican Senator Bob Onder comes to the task force with the experience of having a son with dyslexia. He says schools currently don’t offer much assistance to such students. “By and large the school districts do not do anything to recognize it”
~Senator Bob Onder

Missouri is implementing measures to help students with dyslexia.

The bipartisan task force will identify the best practices for screening and supporting students with dyslexia, and advise the state’s department of education on these guidelines. In addition, teachers will receive mandatory training sessions on how to deal with students with dyslexia. According to the legislation, the new program will be implemented in the 2018-2019 school year.

Key Takeaways:

The lawmakers in Missouri have recognized the need for greater attention to students with dyslexia.
Last, month a legislative task force has been formed to look at this issue.
The task force has a goal to create and implement initiatives for the 2018-2019 school year.

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