There is data to show that kids who have dyslexia actually have stronger emotional responses to things than other kids their age and this research might actually be surprising to people. They have intense experiences and this can make them highly sensitive people and can also make them develop some anxiety disorders. Kids who have dyslexia can have really fulfilling relationships with people. They can have great relationships that are fulfilling with people as well.

Emotional Responses

Children diagnosed with dyslexia show greater emotional reactivity than children without dyslexia, according to a new collaborative study by UC San Francisco neuroscientists with the UCSF Dyslexia Center and UCSF Memory and Aging Center.

Key Takeaways:

There is a tie to emotion and dyslexia as dyslexic people can feel things more intensely.
The intensity of emotions can be beneficial for many dyslexic people.
Having dyslexia does not mean you cannot have great relationships with others.

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