Several people provide their perspective and personal definitions on the learning disability of dyslexia. The people interviewed in the video are people who do not have the condition and appear to not have an extensive understanding of the condition. Even so, they did have some insightful things to say about the learning condition.
For instance, many of the people in the video recognized that dyslexia does not prevent someone from excelling in the professional and academic world, nor does it prevent them from learning. Instead, it means they must learn differently in order to succeed. It is apparent that the people in this video have had some education about the condition, which needs to happen more throughout the world
Author “Dyslexic people are often very creative and very visual people.”

Key Takeaways:

October is dyslexia awareness month.
Some of the smartest people in the world have dyslexia.
People with dyslexia perceive the world around them differently than the rest of us do.

Student-Led Assembly - World Dyslexia Awareness Month

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