Most people have heard the word dyslexia few understand what that it is even fewer have heard stories of overcoming it. Tim Tebow is a good example of brilliant, famous and hard working professional with that condition who is not being defined by it.

NFL player Tim Tebow discusses strategies he uses to overcome his challenges with dyslexia.

When he was still in school he figured out how best to learn with the condition and he is using that knowledge in the field when he is practicing for his games. I am sure it is important to put success stories of overcoming dyslexia out there for all the kids so the dyslexic ones know it does not have to define them, and their friends know it is not a big deal.
What it does is just show that learning disabilities, especially dyslexia, have nothing to do with how smart or intelligent someone is. It’s something to share with kids, that, ‘Hey, it is not a big deal.
~Tim Tebow

Key Takeaways:

Tim Tebow’s mother became sick during her pregnancy and chose to ignore the doctor’s recommendation to abort the child.
Although Tebow was born healthy, he went on to be diagnosed with dyslexia in elementary school.
Tebow was able to achieve great things despite his diagnosis.

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