Top Posts From 2015 Homeschooling With Dyslexia

Homeschooling a dyslexic child poses unique challenges. For that reason, it is important to form a community to exchange ideas. There are several shared ideas on how to tackle these unique challenges. By sharing ideas with the community, parents who home school their dyslexic children can use their shared experiences and develop their own techniques that work best for teaching their child.
Homeschoolers of dyslexic children should take the dyslexia simulation to help them understand their child and be a better teacher. They could also benefit from special tricks and curriculum to teach math and reading to their children, which are two subjects many dyslexic kids struggle with. Parents should also be familiar with how ADD and ADHD interrelate to dyslexia. In addition to understanding what parents and teachers should do to help dyslexic children, they should also be aware of what not to do. The overall focus should be to create a positive and nurturing environment to teach the children in.
Our community here at Homeschooling With Dyslexia is growing and I am blessed beyond measure to be able to share what I have learned with you as we make this dyslexia journey together. I’ve got some new classes, a new {children’s} book and a few more surprises planned for the new year!
~ Marianne

Key Takeaways:

Some children with dyslexia are home schooled so that their educational needs can be addressed on a one-on-one basis.
Many children who suffer from dyslexia also have trouble with mathematics,
Some parents are unsure whether or not their child is dyslexic and wonder if they should have their children tested.