With all the available technology today, this can be used in helping and encouraging every child to read. There are plenty of good applications available today which can cultivate a child’s interest in reading. One particular example is called MoveNote that is paired with an audio recording for her to read-aloud with the students.
Use of technology to encourage reading.
There are applications available that can be used. Keep in mind that these were all created to help in expanding the interest of every child the love for reading.
Key Takeaways:
In a society where technology is at the forefront, technology is now being used to cultivate a culture of readers.
One teacher uses MoveNote, which is a video presentation tool that allows for audio recording of her reading aloud with images of the book pages.
The use of technology can be used to captivate the students and even create more notes of their own where the stories become more interactive.
Read the full article here:
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