3 Ways of Getting Student Feedback to Improve Your Teaching

Sometimes it’s hard to teach children, especially a large group of children. But there are many ways to increase teaching and to increase how well teaching them works. One way to do this is form a focus group. Ask the children what they loved learning this year and what they didn’t. What they felt like was boring and what they wish they had more time with.

When the author says that she sets a goal to make the most boring lesson from one year into an epic one the next year, this really draws me in and makes me want to read more. The article is useful and of value, especially for tips and advice.

Ask the children what they personally think about you and what you can improve on. Finding out from the source is the key to improving the way you teach and how well it can impact others trying to learn. Taking surveys and anonymous notes can help improve your teaching skills, as well.
During the summer, you’ll want to improve your teaching and lessons, but how do you decide where to start? Your students! I use these three ways to get feedback from my students on my lessons, activities, and what I can do to improve next year.
~ Vicki Davis

Key Takeaways:

Reviewing learning in a group at the end of the year has been effective to help students going into the next year.
Anonymous surveys going out to the parents have been effective as well to determine if the kids have had effective learning this year.
The teacher highly encourages students to leave private notes on her desk with any difficulties they may be having.