Are you a special needs child - you may not receive an equal education

Every child in the world has the right to a good education. Each one learns differently from the other most specifically, a child with special needs has a different way of learning. Therefore, they require a much different approach when it comes to learning but most importantly, children with special needs still want to feel that they are included in the school they are attending.

Education, inclusion and special needs.

Right now, the parents of children with special needs and the government of England are debating on the funding that is allocated to educate the 253,680 young people in England with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) – or “statement” – and the 1,022,535 other children also entitled to some form of SEN support. The budget intended for special needs has been stretched that there may not be enough for these children since the numbers has increased since the assessment.
Clearly, mainstream schools are not for everyone and high-quality alternative settings are required for children who do not thrive in them. But moves to divide children according to their needs more frequently rather than less should be vigorously opposed.

Key Takeaways:

They think segregation of special educational needs kids is wrong
They want more inclusion for the SED kids
They want to have their cake and eat it too so to speak, want more money but also don't want a separate school