A New York School Where Students Learn to Read by Sculpting Words

Just because a child cannot do something as well as her or his peers is no reason to feel frustrated or angry. For kids with special needs, sometimes dealing with words can be a challenge yet learning to read is considered one of the basic skills to survive in today’s cutthroat market.
For special needs a New York School has come up with an innovative idea. Its plan is to teach children how to handle issues with learning. Children draw words in the air; shape letters out of clay, in other words the school has decided to get around the challenges these special needs kids face in school by allowing them to learn to read by sculpting words. And it seems to work. One parent said his son, within a year, has moved from being barely able to read to confidently thumbing through the newspaper. Miracles do happen.
Children at the school draw words in the air, write them on paper, shape letters out of clay, read from books or the classroom board.
~ The New York Times

Key Takeaways:

The Winward school is a special school that helps children with disabilities learns how to read.
The school has a tactile teaching and learning style that prompts kids to physically engage letters and words.
The goal of the school is to transition the kids back into the mainstream school so they can advance and succeed.