A Student's Work Not Awarded

A student who wrote a short story that was dystopian in nature has had their results downgraded by the school system. Jessica Johnson was the name of the girl who wrote the tale and she won an award for her efforts. When asked about the downgrade, she said that she had fallen into her story. Her goal; with writing the tale was to mix educational inequality and also the dystopian genre. One professor said she saw into the human heart with her tale.

A Controversial Story Gets Award Taken

An 18-year-old student who predicted this year’s A-level results crisis in an award-winning dystopian story about an algorithm deciding school grades according to social class, has had her own results downgraded.

Key Takeaways:

Jessica Johnson won an award for writing a dystopian tale.
Jessica Johnson's result was downgraded by the school system.
A professor said that Jessica Johnson's tale was very insightful to reality.