Math Leap Frog

The Skip Count Game is a game where players alternate writing 1, 2 or 3 numbers that follow a skip counting pattern. You can choose what number your round starts at, what the skip interval is and that makes it more enjoyable than the standard 21 games. This is a very fun game that is both interactive and helps children with learning mathematics. The best part about it is you really only need a piece of paper and a pen in order to play it. It also helps build team-building skills with younger students as they can help each other in the game as well. A first-grade class played this game and it caused the children to think and also get a bit competitive. The game usually takes about 15 minutes but could take even 30 and the key to keeping it fun is to always pick different starting numbers and skip intervals.

Target Game

Ultimately, I want students to take over that problem solving role. I want them to figure out what to do when they get stuck, and I don’t want it to be “telling the partner that they’re right.” We use evidence to prove our points.

Key Takeaways:

The skip counting game is a variation on other logic games using numbers.
The game is applicable for most ages.
The game is collaborative and requires few materials, which is great for teachers!